We are your MVP Factory.

Seeking to build or grow your digital product landscape? We provide you with one of our Opencreek squads - a full plug-in team of three highly skilled domain experts, covering all skills needed to run a technology department or project from scratch, from strategy and product management to system architecture and implementation. All focussed on you for 6 to 24 months.

Be productive fast. Get a squad.

Our Squads - Your integrated team to carry out your vision

Building a sustainable & scalable digital product requires more than just a team of consultants. To develop the right product, we provide you with a team of highly collaborative experts who understand your vision and dynamically react to changes.

Our Opencreek squads are deeply integrated into your organisation - working full-time - only focussed on you for 6 to 24+ months. Squads are truly agile and develop authentic ownership for your products.

Learn more about our work

Your vision keeps the Squad going

A squad’s committed goal is to make the project succeed on a strategic level instead of aiming to deliver specified software, which is why it is set up to be able to do everything necessary to bring the vision to life.

Meet the Squads

Don’t lose time hiring & onboarding people one by one.

Be productive fast. Get started with a full-time Squad.

A Squad always consists of the same three experts with their own unique history together and thus established, efficient collaboration. Squads work with only one partner company at a time, fully immersing into the challenge and committing all of their time to the project.